Saturday, August 10, 2013

Taking a Step Back in Time: Washington, DC Trip

Reese had his 15 year reunion in Washington DC back in May on a Saturday, and on the Friday of that weekend he had another shoot in NYC, so we decided to make it a weekend trip and go visit his family in nearby Maryland as well. The drive from Connecticut was about 6 hours in total but since we were in New York most of Friday, it ended up breaking up the trip into 2 hours (to NYC) and 4 hours (down to Maryland). 

In Maryland, we spent a lot of time with his parents and sister. I like his sister a lot, we are the same age, both love to play soccer and we have a similar personality, reserved and quiet natured. His parents are incredibly nice people, very welcoming and friendly. I enjoyed every minute of the time I spent with his family, including the trip I made with his mother and sister to a little thrift shop type place to pick up a table.. apparently his mother shops there a lot because the people knew her by name. I actually think she is their best costumer.. It seemed that she either bought, or planned to buy, everything there (not quite, but almost!). His sister and I had a pretty good time laughing the whole time in the store about how much she loved to shop and get a good deal.

After the boat trip through Washington, D.C
The reunion took place on a boat in Washington, D.C. since Reese went to a private school there when his was in high school. I got to see ( by) the White House and the Capitol building on our way to the harbor where we were getting on a boat. 

It was neat to meet all his old friends, but it was even more interesting to sit and talk with all the wives and girlfriends. It seemed like the majority of them were from another country, which made me feel comfortable being a Canadian.. I was exotic too! Ha! I met a few really nice girls and had some great conversations. 

Overall, the trip was a success and we ended up visiting, or at least driving through, 7 States at some point during the weekend...Washington (D.C.), Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Delaware, and Pennsylvania (and Connecticut but I didn't count it because we live there). 

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